Gender Sensitisation

Gender Sensitisation, a fundamental shift in behaviour addressing gender inequality issues, is crucial for fostering a more equitable society. Dr. Y.S. Parmar Govt. PG College Nahan, as the sole all-girls government college in the state, holds a position of influence in gender sensitisation, shaping the mindsets of numerous students graduating annually.

Commitment to gender sensitisation resonates deeply within Dr. Y.S. Parmar Govt. PG College Nahan, evident through its extensive programmes over the past five years. Recognising gender sensitisation as a fundamental requirement to comprehend the distinct needs of a particular gender, the institution endeavors to instill this awareness within students. Such awareness not only prompts introspection of personal attitudes and beliefs but also challenges presumed realities. Educational institutions serve as bastions of thought, rectifying perceptions where necessary. Education is the catalyst for a more democratic society, pivotal in transforming attitudes to embrace gender equality as a fundamental social value.

Our Objectives at Dr. YSP for Gender Sensitisation:
1. Cultivate an environment of justice.
2. Imbue positive values to eradicate biases in young developing minds as they progress towards a fair and unbiased society.
3. Recognize that the rights of every woman are as significant as those of her male counterpart.
4. Establish an inclusive, gender-diverse workplace with equitable practices.
5. Work towards modifying behaviour by raising awareness of gender equality concerns.
6. Foster an open-minded society.
7. Familiarize students with their constitutional rights and safeguards.
8. Provide mentorship.

To achieve these objectives, the institution has meticulously devised an inclusive programme. Given the influential role of education in gender sensitisation, the college proactively sensitises students through courses and outreach programmes on gender issues.

The gender sensitisation plan promotes awareness through lectures, seminars, talks, workshops, and debates. Encouraging girls to participate and enrol in NCC and NSS wings of the college, it instills strength, confidence, and leadership qualities. To foster a gender-sensitive environment, the ‘Women Grievance Cell’ addresses complaints through face-to-face interaction and counselling.

This cell was established in alignment with the UGC guidelines in the eleventh plan for the development of women’s studies in universities and colleges. A gender-sensitive environment empowers girls to maximize their potential by enhancing self-respect, confidence, and self-esteem. The institute’s extension activities are tailored to these needs, with various committees and interactive sessions between staff and students encouraged for this purpose. An open forum for dialogue and discussion aids in understanding and resolving issues.

Reviews and adaptations to meetings and measures are conducted regularly to ensure efficacy. Numerous events are organized routinely; for example, lectures on topics like domestic violence, sexual harassment, and ‘Eve Teasing’ to address the escalating crime against women.

In 2018-19, a play on ‘Save the Girl Child’ and awareness of women’s safety was organized, garnering participation from a substantial number of students. Continuing this trajectory in 2019-20, a demonstration of self-defense was conducted, allowing students to actively participate and learn essential skills. Lectures on ‘Challenges of Women Safety’ further added to the educational initiatives.

The institution’s comprehensive plan enables girls to comprehend women’s issues and equips them with effective strategies to address them. This mindset training aids them throughout their lives, teaching them that it is acceptable to have problems. We teach them how to address and tackle differences and complicated situations in life.

Discrimination against girls is pervasive, often leading to their suppression due to fear of abuse and exploitation. We empower them to stand up against all odds and trust their voices. Gender sensitisation programmes instill confidence and self-reliance in girls, shaping them into strong, well-rounded personalities who have stood the test of time. As a result, they have contributed significantly to society in various fields such as police services, sports, politics, education, and more.

The institution’s well-implemented plan has given rise to numerous success stories. Education nurtures leadership qualities in young girls, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. It fosters social awareness, health awareness, and the development of robust personalities. The institute advocates for teaching strategies that are reflective and objective. Regular feedback from colleagues and students helps to strengthen the plan, addressing any loopholes and making the journey towards ‘gender mainstreaming’ effective, promoting an environment of gender justice. Understanding and addressing the needs and competencies of women, combating discrimination and stereotyping, will ultimately lead to gender equality, a fundamental human right. The aim is to eradicate all forms of atrocities against women, creating a safer and healthier society.

The institution’s detailed plan, coupled with a specific roadmap, meets the requirements for achieving gender equality. Its implementation is evaluated and monitored regularly, ensuring that gender awareness contributes to a more just society. Equality is a fundamental aspect of development, and education plays a vital role in promoting an egalitarian society, with its role in gender sensitisation never to be underestimated.