Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy stands as one of the most time-honored departments at Dr. Y.S. Parmar Govt. PG College Nahan.

In addition to traditional lecture methods, the department fosters a dynamic learning environment. This includes encouraging students to present concise seminar papers, engaging in group discussions under the guidance of instructors, and participating in interactive question-answer sessions. Microteaching and informal teaching sessions are conducted in intimate groups, extending beyond the regular contact hours.

Our curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of courses spanning three years or six semesters . This structure aims to equip students with critical skills and facilitate the development of philosophical thinking. The department’s faculty is deeply committed, consistently engaging in student-centric programs and activities facilitated through the subject society.

With a keen focus on each student’s academic profile, the teachers diligently identify strengths and weaknesses in preparation for university examinations. This close-knit relationship extends even beyond graduation, offering ongoing personal and academic guidance to students. Consequently, our department boasts a robust alumni network, with many alumni making significant contributions as educators in schools and colleges.

Our faculty actively participates in U.G.C.-assisted seminars organized by both the college and the university. Moreover, our teachers play pivotal roles in various administrative, organizational, and academic activities within the college and the university. They serve as members of the Board of Studies, contributing to the ongoing process of syllabus revision and formulation.

Yearly Student Enrollments

B.A. (ENGLISH) 1st Year
B.A. (ENGLISH) 2nd Year
B.A. (ENGLISH) 3rd Year

Eigibility Criteria

Programme/Course/Level Duration Eligibility Adimission Procedure
B.A. / UG 3 Years 10+2 On merit basis

Faculty Members

Faculty Name


Faculty Name


Faculty Name


Faculty Name


Name Designation Teaching Experience Mobile E-mail
Faculty Name Designation 10 Years
Faculty Name Designation 10 Years
Faculty Name Designation 10 Years

Courses offered in the Department

B.A. 1st Year DSC-1A PHIL-A 101CC Introduction to Philosophy
B.A. 1st Year DSC-2A PHIL-A-102CC Indian Philosophy-1
B.A. 2nd Year DSC-1C PHIL-A-203CC Indian Philosophy-2
B.A. 2nd Year DSC-2C PHIL-A-204CC Indian Philosophy-3
B.A. 2nd Year SEC-1 PHIL-A-205 Introduction to Logic
B.A. 2nd Year SEC-2 PHIL-A-206 Ethics-1
B.A. 3rd Year SEC-3 PHIL-A-307 Ethics-2
B.A. 3rd Year SEC-4 PHIL-A-308 Applied Bio-Ethics
B.A. 3rd Year PHIL-A-309-DSE Western Philosophy
B.A. 3rd Year PHIL-A-310-DSC Western Philosophy-2
B.A. 3rd Year PHIL-A-311 Bhagavad-Gita
B.A. 3rd Year PHIL-A-312 Yoga

Course outcome

B.A. Part 1 Paper-1 (Introduction to Philosophy) The outcome of the programme is that students gain knowledge about the three spheres of the earth such as Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.
B.A. Part 1 Paper-2 (Indian Philosophy 1) This course will be an Introduction to the Indian philosophy. It explains the students about the origin of Indian Philosophy tracing back to Vedas, Upnishadas and Shrimad Bhagwad Gita.
B.A. Part 2 Paper-1 (Indian Philosophy 2) This course will be an Introduction to one of the major schools of Indian philosophy i.e. Heterodox (nastik) Schools which comprise of Carvaka, Buddhism, and Jainism. The course will help the students in understanding the significance of Indian philosophical studies in their daily life.
B.A. Part 2 Paper-2 (Indian Philosophy 3) After having done this course, the student is expected to have a broader understanding of Indian culture and philosophical tradition.
B.A. Part 2 SEC Paper-1 (Ethics) The students after having run through basic ethical theories gain a better orientation from the ethical perspective. This course helps to understand and interpret socio-cultural aspects with a more rational basis.
B.A. Part 2 SEC Paper-2 (Logic) Logic course helps the students to develop an understanding of the basic concepts of logic and language as well as familiarity with precise models of deductive reasoning.
B.A. Part 3 Paper-1 (Western Philosophy-1) This paper seeks to enable the students to witness how philosophers who were either predecessors or contemporaries evaluated the theories of others. It will also make students aware that there is no place for a superficial approach to the complex questions in life.
B.A. Part 3 Paper-2 (Western Philosophy-2) The course in Western Philosophy will Introduce the students to the primary thinkers of one of the most important and influential schools of thought in Western Philosophy.
B.A. Part 3 SEC Paper-1 (Ethics-2) The course helps to inculcate moral values in students.
B.A. Part 3 SEC Paper-2 (Applied Ethics) The course objective is to apply the theoretical tools of Ethics in life situations as well as devise ethical resolutions in moral dilemmas as they come up. This will gradually generate an ethical intellect amongst the students of philosophy.
B.A. Part 3 Generic Elective Paper-1 (Yoga Philosophy) Yoga comprises physical, mental, and spiritual practices and promotes self-healing.
B.A. Part 3 Generic Elective Paper-2 (Bhagwad Gita) The course helps in dealing with the moral dilemmas coming in life.